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Sewing Team Call

I’m looking for enthusiastic stitchers to join my design team.

Each month you will receive 2 fabric squares of your choice to make up 2 different projects of your choice. In return I would need photographs of the projects for me to use on social media and in my newsletter. 
If you feel up for the challenge email me at with a couple of example photographs of your work making sure to follow my guidelines in the terms and conditions below (does not have to be examples with my squares)

Adrienne Woodisse_edited.jpg

Sewing Team Call 

Terms and conditions


2 Fabric squares will be sent in the post at the beginning of each month for you to create 2 projects of your choice, using your stash, in exchange for a professional style photograph of your projects. My fabric square should remain the main focus of the project.

Photographs should be emailed to by the last day of that month, or sooner if they are ready. 


All project photographs will become the property of Zippy Doodle Designs and will be used on social media, my website and email newsletters with credit given to the creator. Photographs may be cropped or edited by me for marketing purposes.


Photographs should be very good quality with good lighting and have a light, plain background. Photographs should all be landscape and taken from at least 1/2 a metre away to allow for cropping and editing. You are permitted to use props but the completed project and fabric panel must be the main focus.


You are permitted to share your photos of completed projects on any social media platform as long as you credit Zippy Doodle Designs for the fabric square design. This is especially encouraged in relevant Facebook groups.


You are permitted to sell or gift your finished projects. Fabric square mentions are always appreciated.

©2020 by Zippy Doodle Designs

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